Saturday, December 22, 2012

Чемоданное настроение (chemodannoye nastroeniye)--this is a cool Russian phrase that literally means "suitcase mood." This kind of mood happens before a big trip, and it is an mix of excitement and anticipation and maybe a little worry. Tomorrow I'm going to Ukraine with another one of the teachers, and I would say that--as I pack my suitcase--I'm in a suitcase mood. I've been looking forward to this trip; it's been the light at the end of the tunnel. The last two weeks of the semester were tough, with lots of preparation for exams, writing exams, grading exams, and finalizing grades, deciding who passed and failed, and tutoring students who missed a lot of class. Yesterday I didn't even have time to eat a proper lunch, and I don't skip lunch. Ever. 

So I'll be in Ukraine for the next 9 days. I return to Vladimir on December 30th--just in time to celebrate the New Year. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures on my trip! 

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