Sunday, December 16, 2012

Here are the promised Lenin statues and a few pictures of wintry Vladimir. We only made it to one of the Lenins because it was getting dark (the sun sets at about 4:30pm, and it's dark by 5:15), but we also found the first and maybe only statue of a dvornik in Russia. A dvornik is someone who cleans a dvor, which is a courtyard or the area around a building. The sweep the sidewalks, collect up beer and vodka bottles and other trash that accumulates in the dvor, and clean the podezd--the entry hall of an apartment building. They're out early in the morning with their twig brooms sprucing the place up, and mostly they are an unappreciated lot. So the statue to the dvornik is an interesting and rare find. Here are my pictures. The first is my street. The second is a view of one of Vladimir's main streets. The third is old Lenin himself on Lenin Square. The fourth and fifth are of one of the buildings of Vladimir State University, and the last is the dvornik statue. 

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