Friday, March 8, 2013

Today is March 8, and that means it is one of the biggest holidays in Russia. For those who aren't in the know, it's International Women's Day. OK, so the day isn't really that international; outside of feminist circles, few people in America have ever heard of this holiday. But in Russia, it's a really big deal. Everyone has the day off, and men congratulate women and buy flowers, chocolate, and other gifts for them. Think of this holiday as Valentines Day and Mothers Day rolled into one and amplified about 50 times. Although I know some American women think the way Russia celebrates this holiday is patronizing, belittling to women, and indicative of a man-dominated culture--and all of these are valid points--one should step back and appreciate the spirit of the holiday. Women, after all, make up more than half of the population, and they carry a tremendous burden between working and raising a family (these gender roles are especially strict in Russia), and so maybe it is good to have a big holiday to recognize this.

And so, to all the women, happy March 8! 

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