Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I've never had a birthday in Russia before, but I'm really liking it so far (and I'm only 14 minutes in!). One of my students called, fellow teachers have been texting, and my host family gave me a gift (a great and very Russian little bag--some might call it a man purse, but it's Europe, so I don't care). The weather has been pretty dreary, and work is demanding, and nerves are fraying around the office (that is bound to happen when you can really express your feelings only to the seven other people who speak your language). As the staff of the American Home warned us, October is typically a tough month for new teachers. But having my birthday is a nice little spark that has lifted my spirits and , thanks to our sauna trip yesterday, the moods of the other teachers. Here is the traditional Russian birthday song:


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Graham! I hope you had a great day. Here is wishing you a year of happiness, and wisdom, fun adventures, and enough trials to keep things interesting. I thought of you today and had my last summer shandy of the year! Keep up all the hard work you are doing, those students don't know how lucky they are to have you as their teacher!
