Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vladimir is a tough place to figure out sometimes. On one hand, it is home to 345,000 people--about the population of Peoria, Illinois. But, having been to Peoria (albeit for about 15 minutes in the middle of the night), I can say that there is way more going on here in Vladimir. Old Vladdy really feels like a pretty big city, and there is plenty to do. For example, one of my students invited me out to a night club on Sunday night; I, of course, agreed, and we bowled for a while and then checked out the dance floor, which was absolutely packed. I'm going to guess that there are no night clubs in Peoria that are bumping at 2am on a Sunday night.

On the other hand, though, Vladimir feels manageable and small. You can get from one end of the city in 20 minutes by car--maybe 10 if you're with a Russian driver (red lights and lanes are mere suggestions). I frequently see the same people riding the bus with me every day, and my Russian friends often run into people they know on the street. So, ya, Vladimir is a little city, but it is a city, not whatever kind of settlement Peoria is.

Disclaimer--I bear no ill will toward Peoria, and, for all I know, it's a wonderful town. Maybe it's even the night-club center of the Midwest....   

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