Wednesday, June 26, 2013

After 11 months aboard, I feel pretty disconnected from America and American culture. I only know what's what's happening and what's popular in the US because of Facebook or my occasional reading of the New York Times of Cleveland Plain Dealer websites. I wouldn't saw that I'm a pop-culture follower in the US, but now I really don't know what songs are popular, what movies are coming out, what TV shows are big, and what clothes are in style. I get a strange flow of songs and movies that come from the US, but I suspect many of them were popular about six months ago or were never all that popular at all. Here's a few American songs that are really popular in Russia right now:

I Follow Rivers by Lykke Li

Thrift Shop by Macklemore

Get Lucky by Daft Punk

I have no idea if these songs are popular in the US right now or ever were all that popular. But they constantly play on Russian radio stations. 

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