Thursday, January 16, 2014

Classes have started again here at the American Home, so I've been a bit busier. I'll get a the next installment of my Rome trip story up in the next day or two--I promise! It has been great to get back to teaching; the winter vacation started to get a bit long (we were off from teaching for almost 25 days). After my last class on Tuesday I had met all my groups for the new semester, and, although students can really put on a nice face and fool you on the first day, it seems like I have some great groups this semester. One of the coolest things about my job is that I get to meet tons of new people every semester, and, because I teach the lowest level, I'm usually the first American any of my students have met.

It's really rewarding see my students' faces and hear them talking after the first class: They are exhilarated that they could understand (more or less) an American speaking for 90 minutes, thrilled to use English, and excited to begin something new. I know that feeling because I had it too when I was really studying Russian--the I exuberance I felt as I was leaving a conversation class, Russian conversation table at a local cafe, or a screening of a Russian movie. I understood something! I talked! I met a native speaker and could talk with him! It's uplifting to see that same joy in the eyes of my students. It's what keeps me here and teaching.   

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