Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'll post the next installment of my Rome story tomorrow, but I feel like I need to tell polar-vortex-crazed America a bit about the weather here in Vladimir. We had a warm start to the winter, with temperatures in the 20s and 30s Fahrenheit. The locals really hated that weather; everyone was pining for some real Russian winter.

We we got some real Russian winter. The temperature plummeted about two weeks ago, and the forecast for the next week calls for highs around 0F and lows down to -13F. It's also been sunny, which makes the whole frozen world amazingly beautiful. All the trees are laced with brilliantly white frost, and the snow creaks underfoot. You have to bundle up so you don't freeze (and your nose freezes up almost instantly at -10F), but walking in this frigid weather is a lot nicer than when everything is slushy and slippery.

The awesome thing about Russia is that people love winter. I get so tired of everyone moaning about winter and snow and cold in America. Ya, it's cold--it's winter in Cleveland. Get out and enjoy it. Winter isn't summer, but why can't people appreciate it for what it is? The freezing temperatures aren't stopping anyone from getting out: I'm going ice skating with one of my classes tomorrow at an outdoor rink. The high tomorrow? Eight degrees Fahrenheit, which will actually feel kind of warm compared to what it has been. So, America, quit freaking out. Russian news has been poking fun at the media spectacle that is the polar vortex; America's looking pretty ridiculous right now. Put on a scarf and relax.

Here's a few pictures of my neighborhood that I snapped on my way to the gym in the past week. I will admit that getting out of my warm bed for the 15-minute walk to the gym in -5F weather has been a bit of a challenge.

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